I am hoping to start blogging a bit more regularily, as I myself am a devoted blog reader and find it frustrating when a blogger goes on hiatus. Between a full-time job and then Urban Vows clients, a family, a very patient boyfriend and attempting to have some what of a social life, it can get a bit nutty! I have been working on a venues post for the past few months, just gathering information, pictures and details. You'll have to be patient on this one, but it's in the works.
My newest wedding excitement was shown this week on an episode of "Rich Bride, Poor Bride" and I instantly thought "cheeeeeeseballlll", but no way. After seeing them work their magic on the champagne, these natural little gems blossom into beautiful, edible hibiscus flowers and the accompanying syrup adds a pink glow to your bubbly! How exciting! I love little things like this, little details that add to the event. At less than a dollar a flower, the price tag for the wow effect produced here is easy to swallow. I notice the website says delivery to the US only, but I am an avid online shopper and I know I would be able to find a loophole for getting these to a wedding here. I am annoying that way, I believe some call it "like a dog with a bone".

I hope someone I know out there gives these a whirl, I would love to get some un-edited feedback!
I totally saw that on Sunday and thought it was pretty cool! I wasn't a huge fan of their rehearsal though... haha. Tony and I still have to get out to your new place!