A trend that I am not yet one hundred percent comfortable with is the TTD sessions. Trash the Dress sessions are becoming more and more popular and maybe I am uncomfortable with it because I can't see myself being cool enough to do this myself. I mean, you really have to detach yourself from the item at hand here ("the" dress) and me being the person that thinks Christmas Trees have feelings and as a child gave each stuffed animal equal snuggling rights in my bed, I tend to really attach myself to non-living objects. Seeing that weddings are something I wake up and go to bed thinking about, could I really destroy that focal point of my big day? I have gathered here some examples of these daring brides and give them so much credit for several reasons: One - you have realized that your dress does not have feelings (unlike the Christmas trees that don't get picked at the lots!). Two - you are willing to step out of the box, and possibly take criticism from your grandmother amongst others. Three -you have braved elements such as mud, cold and swamp water in order to get that killer shot!
What do you think? Could you do it? I mean, look at these stunning images, including some local talent - check out the credits if you're interested in taking the plunge (like...literally!).
Urban Vows Bride Rhodora, married this past November! Photo Credit Abby Photography

This one looks chilly! Photo Credit to the "godfather" and master of Trash the Dress sessions John Michael Cooper
(do yourself a favor and check out the rest of his signature images, wow!)
I love her dress, and it reminds me of the Bow River, something like this could be done in Calgary, if you're okay with frozen toes! Photo Credit Varia Lebiadzenka
This bride is gorgeous, and is that the mud that makes her eyes pop like that? Photo Credit Sheila Hannus
Yes! Why should the bride have all the fun?! As much as I think this is an outtake, I am a huge fan of sun flare and this image to me represents that married people have fun too! Photo credit Normy B
I am in love with this image - it almost looks like a painting. Photo Credit Chugach Peaks Photography
Some how Calgary's very own "As I See It" gets super models for every single wedding they do! This session had so many amazing shots it was hard to choose! Photo Credit As I See It Photography
I love the rings of water around her, looks like perfection. Photo credit Funky Town Photography
I love the vintage feel of this photo! Captured by another talented Calgary photographer, JT Images

This shot was captured in Alberta's Badlands, which was so unique and the other images from this shoot were to die for. This one caught my eye because it wasn't only about trashing the dress, the couple looks so much in love. I love love! Photo Credit to another talented Calgarian, KH Photography
The shots from this series were so moody, vivid and dramatic, I bet the bride was thrilled with the final result! Yet again, another Calgary photographer, Northridge Photography
This is making me really nervous LOL! I could never do it! Loooove the pics though :)